All the advert airtel have been working on lately have been the one that seems so peculiar with people. Unlike many advert that gives us puzzles to solve after it is aired, we have a familiarizing feeling with airtel's ads. From the Prayerful Mother to the Jealous Step-mother and finally to the old-fashion mother, Airtel commercial had been a hit [Back to Back ;)].
I was watching a video on youtube, when another airtel ad, different from the serial one we've been seeing lately, of course, of the same audience familarity style.
This time Airtel chose the name "Pepper Dem" as the title of the storyline. I assume it was culled from Adedeji Olamide a.k.a Baddo soundtrcsk titled "Pepper Dem Gang".
The commercial revealled a show-off charcater overwhelmed by the function of a smartphone she was holding. She waggled her body through the market set use to make the onlooker get fastinated and attracted to her display of " I don port/land/arrive).
Then the question is is it whack?
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